Leslie Morris

HR Administrative Assistant

I was born and raised in Waco, TX, the middle child of three. I was the accident-prone child with highlights including surviving a 10-day hospital stay for a venomous snake bite at age 8, and enduring two weeks of rabies shots (1 shot a day) at age 14. Being raised in a loving, stable home environment led by strong Christian parents that loved me no matter what definitely shaped who I am today. They made sure the whole family was at church every time the doors were open, not to mention attending VBS through elementary school and moving up to a week of Christian summer camp during junior high and high school. I graduated from ACU in 1982 and moved to Ft Worth in 1983. I immediately began attending The Hills and became involved with the Singles group. It was on a Singles ski trip to Ruidoso, NM, that I met Louis, the man of my dreams, the love of my life. We were married in 1985. We never had any children, only fur babies—currently 2 dogs, 4 cats and a sun conure. One of my favorite Bible verses is Philippians 4:13 (NIV) “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” I rely on the power of Christ to get me through every minute of every day. Without him I am nothing. With him I can do anything. After 10 years of working for an importer of electronics and 5 years classifying imports for a customs broker, I decided I was ready for a change. I heard through a staff member at The Hills that there were two job openings I might be interested in. I applied for both and, to my surprise, was offered both. Now I had to decide where my talents would best be used for the Lord. I thank the Lord every day for the ability to work with such an awesome group of believers at such an active, thriving church that refuses to sit back to see what happens. I hope and pray that The Hills continues to coax us out of our comfort zones so that we will grow and love and give as Jesus commanded.