A highly qualified staff and well-planned activities create a solid foundation for your child’s development.

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There are two teachers for every classroom where our students are instructed in letter recognition, numbers, colors and shapes. Preschoolers also learn cutting, tracing, pre-writing skills, patterning and following directions. All children participate in chapel daily with singing, prayer and a Bible story.

North Richland Hills
We provide a teacher for every four children under one year and a minimum of one teacher for every eight children five and under. Our students are instructed in letter recognition, numbers, colors and shapes. Preschoolers also learn cutting, pre-writing, patterning and following directions. Educational enhancement, fun interactive days, music and hands-on science activities give every child room for discovery and developmental growth at their own level. All children participate in chapel weekly, learning more about Jesus through song, prayer and a bible story. PATH (Preschool at The Hills) is thrilled to now offer a bridge to kindergarten class.

West Fort Worth
There are two teachers for every classroom where our students are instructed in letter recognition, numbers, colors and shapes. Preschoolers also learn cutting, pre-writing, patterning and following directions. Educational enhancement, fun interactive days, music and hands-on science activities give every child room for discovery and developmental growth at their own level. All children participate in a weekly chapel where they learn more about Jesus through song, prayer and a bible story.

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