Counseling & Wellness
Counseling and Wellness
Do you need a wise counselor to help you in your journey?
Our Counseling & Wellness Ministers provide direction, prayer support and connections with helpful resources. If you are seeking ongoing counseling, we will meet with you and set you up with counseling services through our Christian Therapist Network. We even offer financial assistance. Schedule an in-person or video appointment with one of our Counseling Ministers by clicking below or calling our office. Still have questions?
Contact [email protected] or call 817.765.8148.
No matter what you are facing, our Counseling & Wellness Ministry is here to support you.
Our Counseling & Wellness Ministers provide direction, prayer support and connections with helpful resources. If you are needing ongoing counseling, we will meet with you for a consultation and set you up with a counseling referral through our Christian Therapist Network. Financial assistance for counseling is available if needed. Contact [email protected] or call 817.839.8528.
Para obtener ayuda en español, llame al 817-769-7057 o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]