Jeremy Glover

Campus Minister

My parents were incredible examples for me of people who didn’t just talk about following Jesus but lived it out every day in front of me and my sisters. Their consistent examples for me provided some of the most powerful lessons that I have ever learned as a follower of Jesus. When I was a senior in high school, my dad passed away suddenly one night in his sleep. This terrible loss stripped away the faith that I had borrowed from my parents and forced me to figure out what I believed for myself. Through this time in my life, God stretched me and grew me in ways I never would have experienced otherwise. God took something terrible in my life and has turned it around and used it for good over and over again.

During those difficult days after I lost my dad, John 16:33 became a scripture that I held onto and it is still my favorite verse today. I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. I love that this verse recognizes that life on Earth will be painful and full of trouble but also reminds us of the hope that we have because of Jesus.

I began working at The Hills Church in January of 2016. I’ve worked in Student Ministry for almost a decade and am so excited to continue my ministry journey as campus minister at the WFW Campus. My hope for the future of The Hills Church is that it would continue to be a church that welcomes all people, helps those who are here grow more into the likeness of Jesus, and brings hope to the community around us.