Erin Nix

Kids Minister

I started working at Young Children’s World in 1996, when my children were enrolled at the preschool. I served in many ways at YCW as a teacher in a toddler class, department lead for the Two’s and office manager for three years before becoming director. I fell in love with this preschool program and so enjoy being a part of this kids ministry team. I first started learning about Jesus when a local church sent out a” bus ministry” to our neighborhood. Today, it is a scary thought, but I went to church every Sunday with 2 men that we didn’t know. One of them is now my uncle. Praise the Lord that they took the time to teach me about Jesus. It took many years for me to understand I was not only saved and forgiven, but that I could have a close relationship with the Lord. It is my heart’s desire for children to understand that the God of the whole universe wants to be involved in every part of their lives. No need is too small to hold his interest and no problem is too big for our Mighty God. One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Psalm 62. Verse 8 says, Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him for God is our refuge. What a comfort it is to put our hope in the Lord and know he never lets us down. My hope and prayer for The Hills Church is that people will feel loved and safe as they learn and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. May we be a church that is known for sharing the love of Jesus with all people.