Debbie Poss

Counseling & Wellness Coordinator

My favorite Bible verse is John 17:10 (ERV). Part of my adventure with God has been in the ups and downs of trusting that He will provide.

One night when I was searching for Him and praying about what seemed like a hopeless situation, I opened my Bible to this verse…and heard His words in my ear as I read: All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And my glory is seen in them. I am one very blessed woman!

I had been living in Arkansas for over 20 years when my mom began to be in need of help. I had started having a recurring dream – about Garland, TX – where I grew up. So I knew that I needed to move back to the Metroplex. I ended up getting a job in Bedford and heard about The Hills Church. I visited several churches, but knew from the first time I stepped into the building that this was home. I placed membership and went to the Single Parent Family class. I volunteered my event organization skills to help with their retreat, so the ministry leader thought of me when a staff position opened. To my amazement, I was hired to work with the support groups in 2005.

I hope and pray that we will be united in our diversity and that The Hills will become the most attractive fragrance of God to those who are hurting….or joyful….or zealous….or proud…or addicted….or depressed…or rich…or poor…or….? I pray that we will be known by our love and all will find a place to “belong”.