David Meyer

Executive Minister

I’ve been married to my lovely wife, Nola, for just over 14 years. We met at work when she first hired me as a salesperson. Who could’ve thought or imagined that God would bless us with such a wonderful marriage from those beginnings. In 2008, our daughter, Reagan, was born. All of Reagan’s positive attributes come from her mother and all her orneriness from me. Early in life, Jesus as Savior was very attractive. I wanted the Fire Insurance Policy as quickly as possible. However, I didn’t want a Lord. I could handle that part of my life, thank you very much. This lead me to a place that all my worth, purpose, and value were centered on me and what I could accomplish. I was really good at throwing things, especially baseballs. So, baseball became my god and lead me to a very shallow and insecure life. God was very gentle with me in slowly removing baseball and replacing the void with His presence and promises. Not only did I grow to a place of wanting a Lord, I also realized I needed a Lord. Currently my favorite Bible verse is Revelation 12:11. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. The defeat language reminds us that we are in a battle. A battle for souls against a real enemy, Satan. The blood of the Lamb encapsulates the truth of The Gospel. Jesus’ perfect blood was shed for us so we could be saved when we believe and accept Him. And finally, God chooses to use us and our messed up stories to change eternity.  We have the honor of telling people who Jesus is and how He has changed everything for us.  How great is that! I started at The Hills in 2012. I believed The Hills had a void in equipping our people to proclaim The Gospel.  We were losing momentum in witnessing people accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I believed God wanted and continues to want more for us in the arena of seeking and saving people. The results are up to God. But, He commands us to join him in this battle. I see The Hills as a beacon for hurting people who can come as they are.  I see The Hills as a safe place for people who are searching for life’s answers. Where did we come from?  Why am I here?  Where are we going? These are not Christian questions, these are mankind questions. Christianity provides the only true and viable answers. I see The Hills helping people discover these truths and promises. I also see The Hills as a place that demonstrates that God loves us too much to leave us where we are.  I see The Hills as a place where people can journey with God towards a greater life now and forevermore. A place where people continually pray, “Not my will, but yours be done!”  A place where you can experience heaven here on this fallen earth. She is a beautiful bride who continues to grow in her commitment, loyalty, and reverence for a God who loves her passionately and unconditionally. Please come join us!