Brenda Johnson

Financial Coordinator

I would say that one experience that has grown my faith would be a couple of mission trips I took in college- one to Canada, where I realized that the family of God was much bigger than I understood. Secondly, our ACU singing group took a two-week long singing trip across the west, where I met great Christian examples. Mostly though, it was the adoption of my son Adam – after eight long years of trying – that really opened my eyes to God’s grace and mercy. It showed me that our plans are not always his plans but that his plans are always best.

Romans 8:28 is my favorite verse. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. At first, I couldn’t understand why we couldn’t have our own child, when it seemed everyone we knew was getting pregnant. But now I know that God wanted us to provide a home for a baby who needed one, and we have been richly blessed beyond measure. I started working for The Hills in 1991 as an accountant and have been blessed to work in the finance group ever since.

My hope for the future of The Hills is that the Lord will be glorified in all that we do and that he allows us to reach out to our community so that we can meet many needs both physical and spiritual. I hope that we can be strong and grow in the midst of an ever increasingly dark world that needs to see the light of Jesus.