Bill Southern

Technical & Special Events Coordinator

I married my wife Linda in October 1987. We have four children: Kristen Southern, Tara (Spinella) Southern, Wes Simpson, and Chad Southern and wife Kimberlee. We have seven grandchildren and one great granddaughter.

My father and mother were ministers and taught my five siblings and me our entire lives that God is always in control and through Him and His Son we can accomplish anything. Because of that, I’ve lived on the mission field from birth. I attended Abilene Christian College (yes, College) and preached and served as a youth minister afterward. The many ministries I’ve been a part of like ministering to the hearing impaired, youth choruses, teaching, serving as a deacon/special servant and being on staff at The Hills have all helped shape me into who I am today.

My favorite verse is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” which really sums up my entire journey.

After retiring from a full time secular job, I was serving at The Hills as a special servant in the media (video), Family Singers, audio and communications ministries, I was asked to join the staff as Director of Communications in December 1998. It was perfect for me. The role combined the communications, audio, video, lighting ministries into one ministry and I soon took oversight of the web site. My role has evolved over the years and I currently manage special events production and oversee the online store.

My hope for The Hills is that we as a body of believers will continue to reach out to our communities and nations developing as many disciples of Jesus as possible until He returns.