Becky Hall

Ministry Admin

Church has always been a significant part of my life. I grew up knowing God and believing that Jesus was my Savior but not really understanding God’s grace or the vast power of the Holy Spirit. After graduating from college, I joined the first singles class of the Richland Hills Church of Christ. Through the teaching of a Godly woman I began to grasp the depth of God’s love for me by the realization that I am saved by God’s grace alone. I am still learning about the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit and the power that is available to me through Him.

My favorite verse of the Bible is Psalm 46:10, Be still and know that I am God. I will be praised in all the nations; I will be praised throughout the earth. (NCV) When I read this verse it reminds me that God can be found in the stillest of moments as well as in the power of the wind and the waves. I pray that The Hills Church will be more and more filled with the Holy Spirit and continue to follow his leading.