Adam Herndon

Lead Student Minister

I grew up with a deep love for church, but I wanted to be a doctor like my dad. One college Chemistry class later, God did not call me to medicine. I met my wife at Oklahoma Christian University, and we are so thankful for the numerous people and places that have influenced us over the years. After several years of dealing with infertility, God blessed us with kids. I am filled with joy to do ministry despite my insecurities and failures as a human. Working with students is special, because most are dealing with similar insecurities and failures. It has been such an honor to remind others of the constant grace and mercy Jesus brings. We have seen God’s grace in some powerful ways over the last two years. Our youngest son, Judah, was born three months early and has been teaching us so much about God’s love. He spent months in the NICU before we could bring him home. His journey has been strengthening our marriage and our faith. One of my favorite places in Scripture is Proverbs 4:23 (thanks, Mom!). “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” I love encouraging students to be as concerned about putting good inside even more than they will struggle to keep bad out. Good will only come from us when we have dedicated ourselves to putting good inside. I hope we will be a church that listens to God’s Spirit more than any other voice in the years to come. I’m excited to see how God uses this church to bring people closer to Jesus all over the world.