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Series Date: 2020

Birth Names

If parents have good reasons for the names they give their children, how much more does God? The Christmas narratives in Matthew and Luke reveal

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Division seems ever present – but just as present is the solution Jesus offers. Jesus offers unity. But what does that actually look like? In

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Pick & Choose

For married couples, the most important question is “What does God want?” Marriage is a lifetime of decisions to say yes to one thing and

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Still Life

What do you do when it seems like your life has been “locked down”? What’s still true when life comes to a standstill? Paul should

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From the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, he is proving himself as our champion. He is winning everywhere we tend to lose. He overcomes temptation in

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Home is Coming

Many would be surprised to learn that the Bible never talked about “going to heaven”. It declares that heaven is coming. God is going to

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No other gospel can do what the gospel of grace can do. It not only saves us from our sins, but it saves us for

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Always On

Technology is a gift from God. And while our screens can be wonderful tools, they are terrible masters. In this series, we will talk about

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