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Series Date: 2016


This series from Acts 9-15 tells the story of Jesus’ first disciples learning that the gospel is for all. It cannot be limited by race,

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By Design

It’s OK to talk about sex in the church because God talks about sex a lot in the Bible. This series unapologetically examines the topic

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It’s Like This

When Jesus told stories or painted word pictures, he’d often start with, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like…” This was His way of using everyday

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Add Verbs

In the Bible, “Christian” is a noun, and nouns need verbs. To be authentically Christian you must ADD VERBS to your faith. Let’s search for

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Life Hacks

A life hack is a clever way to solve everyday problems. The reality is that disciples today need to think creatively when considering how to

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Even That One

Are you over-looking someone in your life that needs to hear what Jesus’ story means for them? Be bold. Let’s change the world one story

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