Worshiping together strengthens and encourages us. Attending church every week is a great place to start.
God wants a personal relationship with you. The more you know him, the better life can be. The best way to connect with God is to pray and read the Bible every day.
God asks us to think and act differently from the world around us. Jesus lived a radically different life. We are called to follow his example.
Joining a Christ-centered group and creating community with others helps us connect with God and navigate life.
God has equipped you with skills and talents. Serving at church and in your community represents his kingdom.
The greatest act of love you can show toward a friend is to help that friend find Jesus. The best way to do that is to share Jesus’ story.
We can never give God more than He has already given us. When we give, we are using our blessings to bless others so they can experience life with Him, too.