Play with passion, Play with purpose.
Upward Sports, together with The Hills Church, promotes character and self-esteem in every child by providing:
The most popular sport in the Upward program, basketball offers players multiple levels of programming for boys and girls grades one through six. Upon registration, each player receives: a game jersey, t-shirt, and car magnet.
Stay Informed
Your child will build speed, strength & stamina as he or she participates in the world’s most popular sport. A game jersey, t-shirt, socks, water bottle & car magnet are provided for each child registered.
Little Strikers Soccer
3 – 4 YEARS (3yrs old by September 1)
Kids get a running start on participating in a team and fair play. All games and practices will take place on Saturdays at The Hills NRH Campus recreation field. Teams will practice for 30 minutes followed by a 30 minute game.